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June 2, 2000 - Friday

A long day, but generally good. I called head office and gave my final yes for the move. I think it will be okay.

I taught the directions lessons to my first class and it went really well. They did much better than yesterday's classes!

I also taught a pronunciation lesson to two of my classes and it went really well. One of my students gave me a letter after class and I waited until after school to read it. I'm glad I did because it made me cry. It was great. She said that I was a great teacher because I treated her and everyone else fairly. She also said that I answered her questions seriously. She wants to be a teacher of Japanese in the future and she said that she wanted to deal with her students the way that I dealt with mine. It was the sweetest letter and made me feel so good!

I had a discussion with a friend after work and I have plans for Sunday. First, lunch at his house and then we're going driving!

When I left the office I rode home. I caught most of the lights which was nice. As I was locking up my bike, I heard two students get closer. They were coming to pick up one of my kerosene containers. I invited them in for a while and while one of them left after a while, the other stayed and chatted.

I'm tired tonight. I think I'll end this and get to bed soon.

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